Why Us
  • o2oSoft was formed by techpreneurs who spent many years leading internal IT organizations for global firms. This gave us a unique appreciation for the realities facing large-scale projects.
  • We adopt an agile, user centered approach to software development. Our projects start from the customer experience and involve end users during the design phase. We also measure results constantly, making sure that business goals are always met.
  • We understand the organizational and technical complexities involved in delivering a successful product. Our focus on hiring the best people, forming integrated long-term partnership with our clients combined with the right agile development approach has led to countless successful project completions where the appropriate and timely product was able to be developed and delivered.
  • Collectively, our staff has "seen it all" and distilled the most valuable practices, techniques, tools, and methodologies into a set of world class service offerings that benefit our diverse sets of clients and industries.